Kilkeaskin Molly 3rd at Warwick
We were pleased with Kilkeaskin Molly’s run to come 3rd at Warwick – although were slightly disappointed as we felt, as did her jockey Daryl Jacob, that she could have done better. It transpired after her race that she was mildly in season, which is what we think affected her – she just does struggle with this sort of thing. We really don’t want to mess with her or do anything invasive and feel that as the winter is coming, we hope it won’t become an issue. In the meantime, we have taken advice from Hilton Herbs and got Molly swiftly onto a supplement to help maintain a balanced hormonal system. It is especially good for young mares who find their seasons uncomfortable.
Molly has come out of the race none the worse and we are looking forward to her running again later this month. Molly ran without shoes and was given an excellent ride by Daryl.
Below is a video of Molly a week or two before her race, ridden by Liz Lyall. You can see how well Liz is riding her, on a long rein allowing Molly to drop her head, relax and canter in a lovely rhythm. I like people to ride longer in leg and would prefer a horseman/woman any day. The video is taken of her first canter up the hill gallop so essentially, she is warming up to do more the second and third time. It is very important to see the horses relaxed, happy and using themselves well with a lovely low head carriage and pushing themselves from behind. The hill gallop runs from bottom to top over 1 mile and rises 220ft, so it is important to get the first time up at the correct, steady pace. Well done Liz! Thank you to Liz who also edited the video.
The beautiful picture below is of Molly relaxing in her paddock (picture courtesy of our groom, Kacey Reynolds).