Simon Earle Blog


Simon writes a regular blog with interesting news and views on all aspects of training horses....

Molly & Millie (Kilkeaskin Molly & new horse, ex Mille et Une)

27-May-2021 0:00
in General
by Admin
      What I love to see are the horses in training out in the field at the stunning Beeches Farm where we are so lucky to train. Molly (in the rug) is guarding Millie whilst she sleeps and then 10 minutes later Millie is guarding Molly whilst she sleeps! Millie has only been here a week after arriving from the Goffs UK sales Goffs UK
      It is great to see how the new horses have settled in so well, if you are a racehorse surely this is where you want to be?
The new surface on the all weather gallop is nearly finished, and we have new horses arriving. Please share if you think any of your friends would like to send us a horse.
      Summer is here ????, everything is growing - how lucky we are to be involved with such wonderful animals.
Kilkeaskin Molly guarding Millie (new 3yr old ex Mille Et Une)
Millie guarding Molly!