Un-raced horses galloping - Delta Storm & Mighty Matilda

It's one of my greatest pleasures seeing our un-raced horses working well and every time they gallop improving, with a great outlook on their faces before and after exercise and, a willingness to go out to the gallops and enjoy what they are doing. When they come back happy and get their heads stuck straight into their feed then I'm a happy trainer!
It is a fine line doing enough to get them fit but not too much to send them backwards, get them stressed and then going off their grub. If they become stressed in their work then sometimes it can be a long road back to getting them to relax and enjoy their work again and I believe that a horse will only run to its full potential if it is relaxed and enjoying itself.
So here in these videos taken on Tuesday, we have Delta Storm (nearside) and Mighty Matilda (farside). Delta Storm is owned by Judith Balding and Mighty Matilda is owned by Branwen Sloper and the Stick to the Damn Plan syndicate. They did one steady up the hill gallop over a mile, then one quicker up the hill gallop over 5f and then one piece of work up the hill over 5f (this fast piece of work is the first video below and the second video is after they have pulled up). We build it up steady, all upsides in a relaxed manner. We are hoping to run both horses soon.
Video above is of Delta Storm & Mighty Matilda doing a fast piece of work upsides, from the bottom of the hill gallop over 5f
Video is of Delta Storm & Mighty Matilda immediately after their fast work